Vision & Mission

The Hamara Sankalp is dedicated to accelerating social and economic change by improving the quality of the Disadvantaged section of rural India.


  • Empower the needy and poorest of the poor through Skill training, access to formal education, access to health care and suitable livelihood opportunities where people have full access to their potential to lead a meaningful life.
  • To strengthen community organization, local bodies, and Panchayati Raj Institutions for e-governance and Advocacy for Human Rights and people’s initiatives for social justice.
  • Create a platform to canalise philanthropic funding and utilise it in an effective manner to achieve desired goals and objectives to focus on the targeted groups for their welfare and self-sustainability.
  • To strengthen philanthropic organization committed for Sustainable development with an ideology of “Growth with Equity.
  • Conduct projects and activities in various development sectors and reflect its secularism, transparency, collective action, credibility and accountability for donors and targeted population.
  • Our organisation is committed to the concept of welfare state and enjoying self-reliance consists of economic, mental and social wellbeing with the basic needs of food security, portable drinking water, shelter and clothing through creation of self-employment and their own earnings. Their contribution to the family and national economy will be valued and reflected in the word “Swaraj” or self-reliance.