Hamara Sankalp is one of India’s Pioneer  non profit organizations; currently working pan India and have impacted more than 70 thousands beneficiaries coming from varied rural families  and living under poverty line since inception. Training in skills, health, education, sustainable resource use, women’s emancipation, youth development, child care, and social business are all ongoing projects for the organisation.

How Hamara Sankalp started its journey ?

In response to the situation and need in the nation, a small group of passionate, like-minded teenagers decided to step in and organize an informal organization. This is how Hamara Sankalp was born. The group’s goal was to support our government’s and development organizations’ efforts to provide access to essential services for the less fortunate and marginalized members of society, especially women, so that they may act as change agents on their own.We decided to incorporate on February 1st, 2001 under the legal name Hamara Sankalp into Action ,our mission to empower the poor through education, training, and vocational rehabilitation and to instill self-reliance in them inspired many people and organizations to join forces with us.

 Due to the foundation’s innate dedication to prosperity, equity, and empathy, Hamara Sankalp was chosen as its brand name. Since then, it has collaborated with several groups and communities on a non-profit basis for causes related to development in order to support, facilitate, and advance humanitarian activity regardless of caste, community, religion, and economic standing.India’s underprivileged, socially excluded, and marginalized populations are the main emphasis of Hamara Sankalp. We collaborate closely with community-based organizations (CBOs) and members of civil society because we support sustainable development. We collaborate with these grassroots organizations using a long-term partnership strategy to end poverty and marginalization.

The method taken by Hamara Sankalp is to include communities in their own development across a range of challenges and initiatives. We think society has to reform so that everyone may live in freedom from poverty, irrespective of caste, class, culture, religion, or gender.Our dedication to serving communities has given us the knowledge we need to make new strides in developing the ability of other organizations working on development and poverty reduction initiatives. Since then, we have expanded, and in addition to keeping our position as an implementing agency, we have set out to become the government’s first choice for a capacity development organization.

 The Hamara Sankalp acts as a catalyst for the development of autonomous, self-sufficient, and just communities. The organization has a unique, innovative and dynamic approach towards providing leadership and encouraging partnership among communities & individuals.

We live with our firm commitment to provide support for building our nation through integrated and innovative programs, capacity building training programmes to address a wide range of issues with our stakeholders and help the government in bringing change to lives of the unreached.

In almost 20 years, Hamara Sankalp has launched a number of fruitful developmental programmes that address a variety of disciplines and have cultivated effective alliances with illustrious government agencies and institutions.

Our well planned, carefully targeted programmes are having real, positive benefits on the neighbourhood. Each year, hundreds of families are able to live sustainably. More than 30,000 women make progress towards financial security and gender parity. Women seek safety from domestic abuse. In its school, more than 15000 childrens from underprivileged neighbourhoods obtain a top-notch education.