As a result, we think that women have the same rights as men to participate equally in all spheres of life, including social, economic, cultural, and political ones. We also think that people’s fundamental rights to participation, speech, and wellbeing should not be affected by their cultural affiliation. As a result, we are certain in our belief that a multifaceted strategy is required to ignite the shift.

Our strategy has been effective in giving women from many communities the confidence to stand up for their rights. More than 5000 women from various states received training from us on a variety of topics related to women’s empowerment, including gender, women’s rights, economic development, participation, health, particularly reproductive health, working hours, equitable pay, etc.


  • Strengthen women’s groups and organization through capacity building and leadership development to ensure good governance, services, and justice for the exploited, ethnic minorities, and extremely poor people.
  • Build-up capacity of the rural people including ethnic minorities women to protect their cultural heritage, practices
  • Foster women’s groups accommodative capacity, democratic practices, values, and development framework to keep the sustainability of their activities, programs, and management.
  • Building the capacities of professional women on awareness-raising, advocacy campaigns by enriching their theoretical backgrounds, learning them on the pertinent legislative framework, analyzing examples of good practices, and motivating them to take action,
  • Improve livelihoods and small-scale income-generating activities of vulnerable women, especially women with disabilities, women heading her family, IDPs, and Refugees women to ensure their participation in family and society, enhance participation in fair trades.
  • Increase opportunities of professional and personal development of women through the provision of support skills.

Targeted Beneficiaries  Women and adolescence girls


Total no. Of beneficiaries 6500
Total Collaborative  partners 04
Operational Area Rajasthan,Jammu and Kashmir, Nagaland, Manipur,Delhi, Uttar Pradesh ,Maharashtra


Rural women are key agents for development. They play a catalytic role towards achievement of transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development. But limited access to credit, health care and education are among the many challenges they face. These are further aggravated by the global food and economic crises and climate change. Empowering them is essential, not only for the well-being of individuals, families and rural communities, but also for overall economic productivity, given women’s large presence in the agricultural workforce worldwide.


We believe that women are equal in all respects with men, hence, they have equal rights to have equal participation and share in all aspects of life be it social, economic, cultural or political etc. We also believe that belongingness to any culture should not affect their basic rights of participation, voice or well-being. Therefore, we are very clear and firm with our view that a multi-faceted approach is necessary to stimulate the change.

Our model has been successful in bringing the confidence among women of different societies who speak of their rights. We provided training to more than 20000 women across states on various aspects of women empowerment e.g., gender, women rights, economic development, participation, health especially reproductive health,working hours, equal pay etc.